• little ones - Motherhood

    Welcome to Toddlerhood 

    Happy New Year! In January, I celebrated my child’s first birthday and balanced work with caring for a busy toddler. I took this time to refocus on what is important to me and establish healthy habits that make me feel good.  Now that January is over, I am excited to…

  • Motherhood

    My first year of motherhood in review

    You blink and they grow up. I have so many thoughts; I don’t know where to begin. I can’t believe he’s a year old!I had no idea what to expect coming into motherhood. The most common question I get is “Is it what you thought it would be?” And honestly?…

  • Motherhood

    birth story

    On December 27th, 2022, I went for my last OB appointment – a bittersweet moment – and began the process of my labor story…  I was 39 weeks and 3 days pregnant and I was just ready to meet our baby! We decided early on that we did NOT want…

  • Motherhood - recipes

    happy holidays

    Happy Holidays!  Spend time with loved ones and make memories by baking sweet and savory treats together. Get your aprons on, play some Christmas music, and try out my favorite cookie and dessert recipes. Let’s bake!  🍪🎄🧁🎄 the softest sugar cookies recipe  Ingredients:  3.5 Cups Bob’s Red Mill Organic All Purpose…

  • Motherhood

    my breastfeeding journey 

    Life has been hectic. We sold our house, bought a new one, went to California, and recently moved into our new home. Unfortunately, my breastfeeding journey is slowly coming to an end. I found that my mental health was deteriorating slightly due to the changes that came with planning work,…

  • Motherhood

    postpartum thoughts of motherhood

    When I first became a mom, I honestly thought my body would go back to the way it was before I became a mom.  Postpartum is such a raw and vulnerable but beautiful state. It’s strange to look in the mirror and see an unrecognizable body with stretch marks, a…

  • Motherhood

    10 reasons why I love being a mom 

    Being a mom is the best gift I’ve ever been given. It’s been hard, it’s been challenging but at the end of the day, it’s ALL worth it. Here’s my top 10 reasons of why I love it so much! 1. Life has so much more meaning and purpose now. Life…