little ones

Sunday catch up + baby tips

Happy Sunday! What a fun week it was last week, despite his first little cold or teething–we’re not sure which. He has been a trooper though, extra snuggly and clingy. Let’s be honest, I loved every minute of those snuggles. 

However, the last couple of weeks have been rough and draining. It felt like I was back in the newborn stage and I couldn’t figure out what was going on. Life was chaotic with selling our house, planning our next move, Memphis waking up three times a night, and zero sleep. But, welp, the joke was on me. Memphis was teething/developing his first little cold! It all clicked. He kept pulling at his gums and was more fussy. I noticed his gums were swollen. Memphis was teething/developing his first little cold! 

He currently has five teeth but three more are coming in at once, and he has a runny nose. OUCH & YUCK! 


tips & tricks for teething

It was easy to tell when my son was teething as he would wake up in the middle of the night, screaming! Sometimes holding him or breastfeeding would soothe him enough, but other nights, when it was really bad, we would use baby pain relief . I think the teething tablets definitely helped a little too, and Sophie is the only toy he will actually hold on to chew!

Every baby is different, but teething throws off the schedule, sleeping, temperament, eating, etc.

Teething symptoms:

1. Drooling everywhere

2. Rosy cheeks 

3. Eating hands + everything in his mouth

4. Gums are swollen

5. Runny nose

6. Pulling on ears 

7. Disrupted sleep

8. More fussy during the day/night

9. Refusing to breastfeed

10. Decreased appetite 

11. Irritability at night

Now, there have been articles on the internet about low-grade fevers being associated with teething, but some studies show that it can be a myth. I am only giving my personal experiences with teething!

Always speak with your pediatrician. There is no one treatment to fix all teethers out there! Here are some natural teething remedies that will save your sanity!

Pain relief:

1. Infant pain relief
OR Hyland teething tablets

– Made with natural active ingredients like Arnica and Chamomilla

2. Cold or frozen cucumbers or celery

3. Teething rings: Keep a bunch in the freezer and toss them in a freezer bag and bring them in your diaper bag with you. They will help during shopping trips and car rides.

4. Fresh food teething feeders

5. Pacifier tethers: I personally never used these but I have seen them! You could also use an old pacifier and put water in and freeze it!

6. Breastmilk cubes: Breastmilk has the power to cure so many things! Pour breastmilk in an ice-tray, crush the cube, and your baby will devour them! Can also use a teether pop with the breastmilk cubes 🙂

7. Frozen washcloths: I used to throw a few baby washcloths in the freezer, and my son loved to chew on them. They feel great on their teeth and can hold them in bed at night to help soothe pain and put them back to sleep.

If none of those natural remedies help, you can always give Tylenol or Ibuprofen. However, no one wants to see their baby suffer, so do what works best for you and your baby!

advice to stick with solids

My advice is to stay consistent with foods during a sick period, even if they are only bite-sized options.

Since Memphis started feeling unwell a couple of weeks ago, his appetite has decreased, even though he still weighs the same. Yes, I still weigh him, but only occasionally. It is common for babies to eat fewer solids or nurse less if they don’t feel well, particularly if breastfeeding. However, it seemed we took a step backward with feeding him human food during his sick/teething period. We offered bottles of breast milk around the clock, and after 30 minutes, we would try to feed him food such as pancakes, chicken, cheese, yogurt, or pouches of food. 

I remember at the beginning of introducing solids, I was excited but also stressed and exhausted. It was like diving into a whole new world for which no one prepares you. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), their guidelines advocate exclusively breastfeeding until six months, which means no food before six months.

However, each pediatrician may have their own advice and research.

Our solids story: We started introducing solids when I felt comfortable enough, which was around 5.5 months. We did the puree approach and then baby-led weaning, which is considered mixed feeding. It was the best for our family and our busy schedules this year. Memphis loves trying new foods.

This week he had kiwi and corned beef hash.

He still loves his chicken, rice, and guacamole. As of now, Memphis has no food allergies.

“Food before age 1 is just for fun!”